This bundle contains all seven books in the Carstairs series and the free short story Best Sinterklaas Ever, which isn’t really part of the series but a prequel. So eight eBooks in all, in PDF and ePub format. Sweet!
The last three books in this bundle form the complete Arabian Adventures story arc!
Separate purchases come to $81.65 USD. You save $13.95 on individual purchases with this bundle. That’s one book free! (or 16.28% off)
Please note that THIS bundle does NOT include book 8, The Arabian Aftermath.
If you also want my other books, there is a bundle called The Full Dudderie 2022 that lets you save even more. That bundle includes my stand-alone novel The Most Hated Man and book 8, The Arabian Aftermath.
The Carstairs Quartet and Quintet bundles are no longer available, but if you purchased either of them you can still retrieve those files.
Please note this is not a subscription: once you get this bundle, any new books are best purchased separately. I also run promotions from time to time. I do not guarantee that this bundle is always the best deal: there may be combinations that work out better. I try to avoid that, but I won’t guarantee it. Such is the nature of promotions.